Hi Krishna,
Thank you so much for your email. We have thoroughly enjoyed our workshop today and would highly recommend it to other schools. Indri has given me some leaflets, which I am going to hand out when I am next on a course in the Local Authority!
With regard to feedback, all three classes which were involved have found Indri’s workshop funny, engaging, pacy, exciting and inspiring. The range of artifacts that Indri brought was truly magical for the children- it was like having a taste of India in our school. What was equally lovely was that just like week, we were talking about a range of Indian spices in our literacy lessons (comparing them to the colours of the rainbow) and Indri was able to show us some real-life examples of these spices, including saffron, which we were all very excited about.
Indri was efficient with setting up and he was able to make use of the space provided. Even when there was a slight issue with the amount of children/staff available to help with the face-painting, Indri remained calm and quickly came up with an alternative solution to ensure that all of the children had their face painted.
I would love to look to book for next year, however, I was mentioning to Indri, as a school we are not sure who is going to be teaching in which year group next year. As soon as I know, I will be in contact. Similarly, if it is not me who is in Year 1/2 for the India topic next year, I will be recommending your workshop for them (in high regard!).
Thank you again for all of your help in organising this event, Krishna, and a huge thank you to Indri too for all of his hard work in putting the day together.
Take care,
Abbie 😆