About Us – The Team In Action

Dynamic sessions for a multitude of events

  • Mock Hindu Wedding

  • INSET Visit

  • Mock Wedding and Havan

  • Secondary Visit Presentation

Whole and half-day workshops

Multicultural days


Classroom lessons

India/World day

Formal academic lecture


Exam revision


Local agreed syllabus provision

Study of world religions

Initial teacher training


Community cohesion

Keynote/guest speaker

Festival/celebration day

Philosophy, morality and ethics

Interfaith dialogue

Meet our Team

Indriyesha Das

Indriyesha Das

Teacher and Director

Indriyesha has been a practicing Hindu and member of ISKCON UK since 1977, and along with his brother Rasamandala began developing our signature teaching methods in 1990. He is well known in the RE world for his skill in making complex Hindu ideology and unfamiliar cultural practices easy for Western teachers, teenagers, and young children to understand and relate to. Along with all the enlightenment we promise he’ll bring, expect a lot of laughs and good cheer when Indri visits your school.

Krishna Dasi

Krishna Dasi

Teacher and Director

Krishna has huge appreciation for the UK education system‘s inclusion of world religions as a subject for study in schools, and its emphasis on getting youngsters to start meeting people of other religions and cultures from an early age. "It’s a very smart way of contributing to world peace," she says. "The UK has great influence in the world, so every bit of peace building we do here has a ripple effect and really makes a difference." She extends her thanks to every school that invites us to share the Hindu culture with its students, contributing to the hundreds of thousands of young lives that are touched in this positive way every year. Krishna is a Hindu of British descent, and a member of ISKCON since 1973. She is married to Indriyesha.

Rasamandala Das, MA

Rasamandala Das, MA

Author and Consultant

Rasamandala is a senior consultant in Hinduism education, working closely with RE specialists on the national level. In 2013 he assisted with the developed of the UK’s national Hinduism GCSE curriculum, and he is the author of several acclaimed Hinduism text books, including the Heart of Hinduism teaching packs. His company Mandala Education works in partnership with our organisation, and with ISKCON Educational Services, which he founded along with his brother Indriyesha in 1990.

David Kingston

David Kingston

IT & Webmaster

David is our website developer and technical support specialist. Look him up on Mayapur Design.

If you would like to make a no-obligation booking request for an educational event for students or teachers, please use our booking request form.

If you have a general enquiry or would like to ask about any of our other services, please use our contact form.